Signs of Stress
Do you recognize the signals of stress and anxiety?
This article reminds us that it is important to unwind from our daily stress.
Deze verzameling korte verhaaltjes zijn er voor jou. Ze kunnen je helpen om écht te gaan voor jouw keuze om in de wereld van NeurOptimal® te stappen. Of, je vindt een verhaal over iemand die een soortgelijk ontwikkelingsproces doormaakte.
This article reminds us that it is important to unwind from our daily stress.
Over seventeen years ago, it now feels like ages ago but, back then, it was my reality. After I gave birth to my third child, I was caught by severe post-partum depression.
It was yesterday that I felt what a great thing we have here. I received a phone call earlier this week by a young man who insisted on seeing me for an appointment.